Friday, May 30, 2008

Moving Forward

Time has a way of marching on even if we have trouble keeping step...or stumble..This past year has been a year of change and I must admit that my 51 year old self was much less pliable than I thought. But time has marched on and finally I am able to keep pace. The pictures you see below highlight some of our first year in Fargo. We were able to provide a safe haven for Beth and Ayden while Levi was in Iraq. Mike has been doing a fantastic job at Northern Pipe and I am finding my way. While we miss our friends in Oregon we are making new connections here. We are very blessed to have our health, a wonderful family, and loved friends. I will be posting new pictures of current adventures and things we are doing up here in the great plains! Look for some new pictures of Spencer (our Labradoodle)- the newest addition to our family soon!!

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